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Techno Side
All Aboard

Aqua Side

Techno Side
Automation Everywhere

Techno Side

Techno Side
Block Party

Aqua Side
Caribbean Tank

Aqua Side
Doodle Studio

Techno Side
Drive Sim

Techno Side
Exploration Station

Techno Side

Aqua Side
Great Lakes Future

Techno Side
Innovation Station

Techno Side
Kohl’s Design It! Lab

Aqua Side
Lake Michigan Tank

Techno Side
Les Paul’s House of Sound

Aqua Side
Me, Undersea

Techno Side
Milwaukee Muscle

Techno Side
Physics & You

Techno Side
Power On

Aqua Side
Simple Machine Shipyard

Aqua Side
The Challenge

Aqua Side
The City of Freshwater and Liquid House

Techno Side
The Distant Mirror

The Founders Statue

Aqua Side
Touch Tank

Techno Side
Virtual Explorer

Aqua Side
Weird & Wild

Wind Leaves
Automation Everywhere
Explore the automation all around you – including a working model of the Calatrava Building. Visit the Dream Machine and watch automation create a foam toy (see below) that you get to take home. Meet robots. Challenge Gladys the Robot (or your little brother) to a game of tic-tac-toe.
Upcoming Events
Milwaukee Makers Market
Love Your Great Lakes Day
Girls & STEM
Inspire Generations
When you support Discovery World, you help us enhance our experience and enrich the quality of science education in Milwaukee and beyond. From caring for our creatures to feeding hungry minds, your donation makes all the difference.